Domain Name Registrations can be arranged by contacting your account manager. We can register .com, .net, .org, .uk, .tv, .info, .biz and many more.
Transfers of domain names to Atlas should be arranged via your account manager.
With most domains we will issue a transfer request which will cause an email to be sent to the admin contact of the domain. If this email is not acknowledged, the domain will not be transferred. Conversely, for .uk domains you will need to contact the existing registrar and have them transfer the domain to tag "ATLAS-COMMS".
Renewal notices for expiring domain names will be emailed out to all contacts on your account 30 days prior to the renewal date. This email will include a link through which you can automatically renew your domain which will then be invoiced. If you do not respond to the email, your domain name will be allowed to expire and will eventually cease working. Once a domain name expires there is no guarantee that it can be recovered.